Forever Young Foundation partners with the Arbinger Institute, a leader in management training and team building, to provide a year-long training for nonprofit professionals. With a mission to inspire excellence in nonprofit leaders and help build sustainable, efficient charitable organizations, this forum instructs participants in how to develop, implement, and update a one-year operating plan and a three-year long-range strategic business plan. Participants discover how to hold themselves accountable to their contributors while keeping board members, staff, and volunteers focused on achieving results. Through underwriting from Forever Young Foundation, private donors, and corporations, this training is offered at minimal cost to leaders seeking to ensure the sustainability of their organizations for generations to come. Since its inception in 2010, over a thousand nonprofit leaders have participated in the Institute. In addition, to help previous attendees face the unique challenges of 2020, we conducted special edition two-day crisis management trainings via Zoom. We were able to help over 25 nonprofits leverage the tools and processes they learned previously to recalibrate strategy and better respond to crisis.

Memories from Serving!